Chin Implant Information, Before and After Photos, Surgery
Chin implants are performed to improve projection of the chin and to achieve a better jawline. This procedure is often done at the same time as nasal surgery to restore facial balance. While there are different materials available, the most commonly used implant is made of solid silicone and can be positioned through either an incision below the chin or inside the mouth. The surgery can be performed under local or general anesthesia and has a very short recovery period.
A strong chin is considered an asset in our society and thus can give a person more confidence and self-esteem. An overall assessment of one’s facial features and profile is required to determine if a chin implant will be of benefit in creating harmony between the nose, chin and neck and create the desired appearance.
New York plastic surgeon Eric Sadeh offers chin implant surgery, facelift surgery, rhinoplasty, ear pinning and other facial plastic surgery procedures. Located in New York City serving Manhattan, Queens and Forest Hills.