Frequently Asked Questions

How many years have you been doing this?
While experience is an invaluable asset, patients should also consider that since the field of plastic surgery is evolving so rapidly it is important to find a surgeon that is aware of and utilizing the latest techniques. Some older surgeons are comfortable with their old approaches to surgery and are reluctant to change their thinking to the detriment of their patients.

Are you Board-Certified?
Certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and membership in the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons are good indicators that a surgeon is qualified and well regarded by his peers. Patients should be wary of physicians that claim that they are “cosmetic surgeons” but are licensed by one of the many non legitimate societies that have popped up over the last few years. Only membership in the American Board of Plastic Surgery should be considered adequate credentials for a plastic surgeon.

How many procedures like this have you done?
A certain level of experience with a technique is important…however, it is not a substitute for the genuine interest that a surgeon should take in each case and together with the patient work towards achieving the best possible result. You should always review photographs of patients he has taken care of and even ask to speak with some to learn more about the experience first hand.

Why is this newer technique better than the traditional method?
You don’t want to be the first person performing new unproven procedures just because of the “hype” that sometimes surrounds them, but you also don’t want to be years behind useful innovations…each of us must decide what new techniques we incorporate into our practice and offer to our patients.

Have you ever had a complication?
Every plastic surgeon has experienced some disappointing results and complications…only surgeons that don’t operate have no complications. The important thing is that a surgeon stand behind his work and provides patients with every opportunity to end up with the best result possible.

Can I see some work that you’ve done?
Showing a patient some before and after photographs is important to gain confidence and give them an idea of scarring and surgical results…however, patients must have realistic expectations about what they will look like after the surgery…making promises with digital imaging or trying to reproduce “famous peoples faces” will ultimately lead to disappointment and a deterioration of the doctor - patient relationship.

Is it better to have the surgery in your office or in the hospital?
For healthy patients having surgery in an accredited Operating Suite in the office setting has many advantages over the hospital. The Anesthesiologists and surgical team have been hand picked by the surgeon, the surgical equipment is superior and the atmosphere is private, calmer and more conducive to providing a great experience for the patient.

Patients that have a medical history or prefer the hospital setting can choose to do the procedure in one of the fine hospitals that Dr. Sadeh is on staff.

Cancellations / Refund
Payments made towards a surgeries/procedures may be subject to cancellation fees if the procedure was canceled before 14 days prior to your scheduled surgery date.
Payments made towards surgeries/procedures are non-refundable if the procedure was canceled within less then 14 days of scheduled surgery date.