Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)

Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Information

Arm lift surgery is an excellent procedure for patients who have lost a a large amount of weight such as Bariatric patients or patients who have increased loose droopy skin with stubborn fat deposits as the result of aging. No longer is the traditional technique to arm lifting required in most cases. The older technique involves a scar within the underarm connected to an incision that runs along the entire length of the medial portion of the upper arm. The scars often take a long time to heal and potentially caused discomfort for months after the surgery.

The Crescent incision procedure is performed with extensive liposuctioning of the upper arm to remove the excess fat deposits as well as undermine the tissues of the upper arm. The excess skin is then excised and the skin of the upper arm gathered into the axilla thus containing the entire scar within the patient’s armpit. In addition to much less scarring, less pain and a shortened recovery period, by removing a large portion of the hair bearing skin of the underarm patients may enjoy improved appearance of the underarms and simplified hygiene.

Compressive garments are worn after the procedure to help the tissues of the upper arm contract and speed the healing process. Patients normally return to work one week after the surgery and resume all physical activities after four weeks.